My HO Layout ... the Step by Step Build

This a picture sequence (in reverse) of my layout build so far ... its a work in progress so its not finished yet! You can see how I tested various layouts before finalising on the perfect design before I started any scenery. My aim was to have a layout that could run several trains at the same time.

Jump to the First Step of the layout build

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37 Second station is on 2 levels connecting the Main Line with the Overhead Line. Train pic 1 Train pic 1 Train pic 1
36 Added a Coronation Street scene (from the Brit TV series) using Metcalfe buildings. Train pic 1 Train pic 1 Train pic 1
35 Still need to add ballast everywhere and a 2nd station, something needs to go inside that new track loop, maybe a Cricket Pitch! Train pic 1
34 For my sidings I needed 3 tracks inside my tunnel. To create the long siding I used a Bachmann #6 Remote Cross-over turnout right as this provides the tightest angle into a siding that the biggest engines can use. This enabled me to have 3 tracks inside my tunnel, the main line and 2 sidings. Train pic 1
33 The new 36" loop connects to the first extension.

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32 Added an extension to the extension! A 36 inch loop which extends the back straight too. I've added another 3 foot loop and used the long straight to form 2 long sidings where I can park my Mallard and Cock'o'the North trains. I've formed a tunnel which is lit by LED's and my office stuff and monitors sit on top of this tunnel. Train pic 1
31 Overall view of the whole layout ... still need to add ballast everywhere! Train pic 1
30 Added proper Girder Bridges to the Overhead Railway line.
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29 I made the spur into a proper siding so trains don't have to reverse. They can now drive in and out. Also started a new Overhead line using Ez-track supports.
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28 This is the 3x1 that links the new 4x4 to the old 8x4.
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27 I wanted to extend the outer track so the 8x4 layout has been extended by adding a 4x4 linked by a 3x1. Plan is to have another loop with a new siding. The curves are all grade 2 so will need a small straight in the middle to allow the big 2-8-2 engine to run smoothly.
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26 Nice view of the town.
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25 The Swan Inn. Every English town has a pub at its centre.
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24 More road markings and added statue in town centre.
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23 Town extended towards the Railway Station. Added the Estate Agents building.
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22 White lines added to the town roads. I use tape to mask off the white areas and then paint over the tape. Takes a while to tape but works really well. I always remove the tape quickly before the white paint drys.
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21 Cars and weathered road on 2nd Tunnel.
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20 Pavement added to the town.
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19 A small tree covered knoll. Used a fibreboard base with a covering of lightweight spackle over crunched newspaper for lumps. Painted a base coat of Burnt Umber then covered with Coarse Grass, bushes and a mixture of trees.
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18 For the tunnel portals I used custom cut to shape 5mm plywood bases covered in lightweight spackling and then painted. Using a coating of spackle I cut out the stone blocks using a kitchen knive before the spackling set. To paint I used a base coat of Grey and then used a weathering mix of water/grey/white and water/black to finish.
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17 Started on the town scenery. Used a 15mm base painted grey.
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16 Added trees to the tunnels.
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15 Added a background picture of the North Yorkshire Moors.
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14 Second Tunnel has grass and bushes with a straight road.
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13 Started the second tunnel.
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12 Tunnel has been covered with Coarse Grass with small patches of Yellow flowers. Also added clumps of small bushes and some grey crags on the steepest hill sides.

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11 Tunnel has plaster of paris coated newspaper crunches and a Burnt Umber base coat.
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10 Started on the first tunnel. Cut sections out of home insulation panels to make the basic stucture.
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9 Painted the base board green and replaced all the track and building it is starting to look like a layout now.
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8 So now I have added a siding on its own block for the 2-8-2 on the outer loop. On this layout I can run 3 trains and this will be my layout going forward. Time to paint the base board green. I will grass over or use ballast everywhere but having a green base is good.
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7 This layout gives me the 2 links between tracks. But I discovered my 2-8-2 engine derails on the switch-over points and there is not enough room for my Station Platforms.
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6 Realised if the station went at the front because of the platform length I could only use a single link between loops.
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5 Less curves and can run 2 trains. I wanted 2 links between the loops so trains did not have to reverse to change loops.
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4 This layout can run 2 trains but the curves on the inner loop caused de-railments.
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3 Layout 2 I added a 2nd loop. But with this layout only 1 train could run at a time. I realised I needed 2 loops.
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2 Basic layout first attempt using track from a simple Oval and an Extender Pack.
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1 This is the bare 8' by 4' plywood board at the start.
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